The CICONF (CodeIgniter conference) group has made a new post about the lineup for their next event including people like Adam Griffiths, Alex Bilbie, Alexis Serneels, Harrow "WanWizard" Verton, Nick Jackson and Tyler Flint.
The chances are if you are using a library, addon, Spark or tutorial for your CodeIgniter projects it will have been written by one of these guys. Adam Griffiths wrote the book, Alex Bilbie has made some amazing OAuth 2 and Mongo code, WanWizard wrote DataMapper ORM - the most popular ORM used with CodeIgniter - and I've [Phil Sturgeon] released a few blogs about CI over the years.
They'll be doing the double-event conferences this year again - this time they'll be in London (February 18th-19th and San Francisco at a yet to be determined date). If you'd like to attend the London sessions, you can already purchase your tickets - a student pass for £35 and a standard ticket for £45.