
Nikita Popov's Blog: Don't be STUPID: GRASP SOLID!

Nikita Popov talks about the SOLID coding practices and creates his own acronym for the complete opposite - STUPID (Singleon, Tight coupling, Untestable, Premature optimization, Indescriptive naming, Duplication).

Ever heard of SOLID code? Probably: It is a term describing a collection of design principles for "good code" that was coined by Robert C. Martin (aka "uncle bob"), our beloved evangelist of clean code. [...] So, why not approach the problem from the other side for once? Looking at what makes up bad code.

He goes through each part of his STUPID acronym and talks about how it can hurt your code and a few alternatives to help make your application more flexible and easier to maintain in the long run. He also mentions GRASP (General Responsibility Assignment Software Principles), another set of good practices to follow, some similar to SOLID, that can make your app better.

