The Atlanta PHP User Group has a special announcement posted to their site - a joint event happening with the Atlanta area MongoDB user group with Derick Rethans (of 10gen) as the speaker.
MongoDB is a scalable, high-performance, open source, document-oriented NoSQL database. [...] This talk introduces MongoDB for developers who aren't familiar with it with a detailed introduction of how to work with MongoDB from PHP. This talk will cover the basics from installing the PHP driver and connecting to MongoDB to creating, inserting, querying for, and updating documents. Schema design will also be covered. This won't be a duplication of the previous MongoDB presentation we had earlier this year.
The event is happening Friday, September 21st from 7-9pm (note that it's September, not this month). More details on the event are to come, so if you're a PHP (or MongoDB) developer in the Atlanta area, stay tuned for the latest info.