On the Symfony Blog there's a new post sharing the results of a recent poll they took of some of their developers covering things like job title, how long they've been working with Symfony and their work with the framework.
Before the Symfony Live Conference in Paris, we conducted the first Symfony community survey. The raffle winners will soon be contacted by Anne-Sophie. And without further ado, here are the survey results!
Results are posted both in numbers and in easy to read graphs to questions like:
- What is your job?
- How did you get to know symfony?
- Do you use any other PHP framework/CMS?
- What is the average size of projects that you/your company work on?
- How do you get trained?
The last question is interesting - it asked the community how many would be interested in getting a Symfony certification. The results were almost broken into equal thirds of "yes", "no" and "somewhat interested. You can see the full results here.