For most PHP developers, when they hear "compile from source" they automatically assume that the person talking means they're working with a unix variant-based system. In this new tutorial from, though, they show how to "compile from source" on a different platform - Windows.
Those working in a Windows environment are more likely to download and install PHP from precompiled packages. And while I don't disagree it's easier to use a precompiled solution, even on Unix systems, there are some advantages that can come with compiling a binary from source. [...] But be forewarned: compiling can be a frustrating task, especially on Windows! You must ensure your build environment is set up correctly, learn how to use the compiler and other build tools properly, and satisfy any library dependencies. Hopefully this article is your first step in overcoming many of these obstacles.
The tutorial walks you through the steps you'll need to take to get your environment set up, including the tools you'll need to be able to perform the compile (including Microsoft's Visual C++ Express and the Windows Software Development Kit). Screenshots and commands are all included in the post to make the compile work. There's even a few instructions on compiling in the extensions you might need.