has posted the second part in their series looking at design patterns in handling views in your framework of choice. In this new article they focus on the decorator pattern, using additional functionality to augment the results from the view being rendered.
It's also feasible to manipulate views in fairly flexible fashion by appealing to the niceties of a few other patterns as well, including the rather underrated Decorators. If you're wondering in what parallel universe Decorators get along with views, in this part I'll be showing how to put them to work side by side in nice orchestration to bring to life yet another view module.
They create a simple example where an HTML element (based on an interface) is rendered - a span tag - with content passed in on creation. They take this same logic and transfer it over to the View handler, making handlers for difference pieces of the content (outer and inner). These decorators are then passed in the data from the view and rendered in order.