On 7PHP.com today there's a new community interview, this time with Stefan Priebsch, one of the founders of thePHP.cc and well-known speaker.
In this edition I talked with [Stefan Priebsch @spriebsch] who is one of the Elite members of The PHP Consulting Company, thePHP.cc. He is regarded as a highly knowledgeable gentleman, has rewritten an array of books related to Software Development and software life cycles; in short Stefan is an acclaimed expert for PHP software development. One of his talks which I highly recommend is "Why MVC is not an application architecture". Fortunately it's a video, so you will be able to both see and hear Stefan talk about it.
They talk about Stefan's current involvement with the language and community as well as some of his own past. Topics include:
- How he sees the state of PHP now versus when he started with the language
- What kinds of tools he uses for his development and debugging
- What he likes and dislikes about the language
- Some of his good (and bad) moments in the community and at conferences
You can read the full interview here.