
Drupal Motion: PHP is not dead

In this new post to his Drupal Motion site, David Corbacho shares some statistics about why PHP "isn't dead yet" and that despite the slow adoption of the latest versions of the language, it's still as popular as it ever was.

This is a follow-up on the article Dries Buytaert wrote in 2007 PHP is dead... long live PHP!. In the article he shared same concern that Nick Lewis for the slow adoption rate of PHP 5, less than 20% at that time. And he encouraged to upgrade to PHP 5. [...] Well, PHP 5 adoption rate is 96.9%, and PHP 4 is quite dead. Mission accomplished. Let's have a look to the overall PHP health.

He shares data from a few sources about the popularity and adoption of PHP in applications/sites all across the web. Sources include Netcraft survey results, W3Tech usage summaries and Stack Overflow tagging matches (complete with graphs of each set of data).

