
MaltBlue.com: Basic CSV Output in Zend Framework 2

Matthew Setter has a new post on the MaltBlue site about creating CVS output from a Zend Framework 2 based application. Instead of writing to a CSV file on the local file system, he opts to push the information out to the user directly in the browser.

Today's tutorial is a simple one. We're going to look at a simple way of rendering CSV output in Zend Framework 2 using a combination of a View Template and Controller Action. We're going to see just how easy it is to generate content and send it to the browser, instead of rendering a standard .pthml template.

He includes the module configuration that sets up the location of the CSV template file and defines the "download/download-csv" header. The view template is pretty simple - just a loop of the results that calls fputcsv to push the data info a file handle. The code for the controller is also included, showing how to create a view model to push the data out.

Link: http://www.maltblue.com/tutorial/simple-csv-output-in-zend-framework-2

