
PHP Town Hall: Episode 10: Postgres, Bla, Bla, Cider

The PHP Town Hall podcast has released their latest episode today - #10: Postgres, Bla, Bla, Cider.

This time around we're joined by Selena Deckelmann, who as a Postgres contributor talks to us about some of the burning questions many PHP developers often have about Postgres when considering it as a replacement for the PHP's defacto-standard relational DB: MySQL.

We ask "Why are so few of the "cool kids" using Postgresql?" and "What are the most important differences between MySQL & Postgres?", and after a bunch of useful discussion on things like true full text search, complex indexes, PostGIS and Foreign Data Wrappers we end up discussing cider and chickens. Standard.

You can listen to this latest episode either through the in-page player, by downloading the mp3 directly or subscribing to their feed.

Link: http://phptownhall.com//blog/2013/07/24/episode-10-postgres-cider

