
NetTuts.com: Adding Bitcoin Payment Processing to Your Website

On NetTuts.com there's a new tutorial that shows you how to integrate an up and coming payment method into your site's flow - Bitcoin. The tutorial uses a combination of Javascript and a PHP backend and BIPS as the payment processor.

Bitcoin has definitely started to become more mainstream, and with its global reach and minimal fees, it is a payment method worth considering. In this article, we will take a look at what Bitcoin is, as well as how to start accepting them in your applications. [...] I'm not going to get into the specifics, but essentially each time a transfer of currency takes place, the money is signed with the two parties keys and then hashed, and these transactions are appended to the global log. This allows coins to be publicly traced back, and to see if the money really belongs to someone or not.

He starts off explaining what the whole bitcoin system is based on and some of the common advantages and disadvantages around it. He then gets into the actual application, creating a simple structure using the Slim microframework and a bit of HTML to make a simple payment site. The BIPS processor is used to handle the payment and the Mandrill service to send the confirmation emails. Curl requests are used to call the services, so you'll need it installed as a PHP extension to make their examples work.

Link: http://net.tutsplus.com/tutorials/javascript-ajax/adding-bitcoin-payment-processing-to-your-website

