Phil Sturgeon has a new post about some of the progress the PHP-FIG is making (the PHP framework interoperability group) and how some of the more recently proposed standards...and a workflow he thinks can help keep things from fading like they are now.
For the last two years the ML has been chock full of different discussions about potential PSRs that could be worked on. [...] This to me is the central point of the PHP-FIG as by defining these standards it can stop the need to build 6 different damn adapter classes for your composer package if you want it to work with Buzz, Guzzle, Zend HTTP, Curl, Whatever). [...] It became apparent to me that the PHP-FIG wasn't going to get all that far as things stood. I actually saw quite a few problems with the workflow.
To try to help resolve these problems, Phil has proposed a bylaw that aims to help (and has since been voted in as part of the process). The flow has several steps that a PSR proposal has to go through, all tracked by co-sponsors, one being the main coordinator. It goes through a pre-draft, draft, review and acceptance phases. There's also some points in there about attribution, the use of the voting protocol and the flow of the voting process.