
NetTuts.com: Sending Emails With Laravel 4 & Gmail

NetTuts.com has posted a new tutorial today showing you how to use Laravel 4 and Gmail together to send emails from your application. It uses Laravel's own mail functionality, so there's no additional libraries to download.

Sending emails is crucial for any web application. Usually, an email is sent to notify the user of some kind of activity that has taken place on the site, for example, such as when updates have been made or when new friends have been found. In this short tutorial, I'll show you how to send emails with Gmail quickly from within a Laravel sample application by extending the functionality that we built in my last tutorial, Authentication With Laravel 4.

They show you how to set up the mail configuration to correctly point to the Gmail STMP servers using your own Gmail username/password (or one you've set up for the application). Some sample code is included showing how to send an email once the user has registered. Also included is an example of using Laravel's own templating to build the contents of the email.

Link: http://net.tutsplus.com/tutorials/php/sending-emails-with-laravel-4-gmail/

