
SitePoint PHP Blog: Dart and PHP: A Legacy Animal Guess Game

The SitePoint PHP Blog has a new tutorial posted today showing an interesting combination of technologies to create a simple Animal Guesssing Game - using Dart as the frontend and PHP as the backend.

Back when I was learning programming on Apple II using BASIC, there was an Animal Guess Game. This game was a very primitive AI game: the computer tries to ask a few YES/NO questions and receives the answer from the user. Based on the answer, it may ask more Y/N questions until it tries to guess the animal. In this tutorial, we will learn how to re-vitalize this program using PHP as backend and Dart as frontend. Of course, a database will be used to store all the questions and guesses of animals.

He walks you through the database setup (including table definitions) and provides some simple PDO-based code to connect and fetch results. Then comes the Dart frontend. He goes through the installation and configuration and how to make a new Polymer application, also including the markup and Dart code to make the backend connection.

Link: http://www.sitepoint.com/dart-php-legacy-animal-guess-game

