
CodeHeaps.com: Creating a Blog Using Laravel 4 (Series)

The CodeHeaps.com tutorial site, they've posted the latest in their tutorial series creating a blog with the popular Laravel framework. In the first part they looked at models and database seeing, in part two they focused on controllers and in this latest part they focus on routing.

In this article we will create a simple blog using Laravel 4. Our blog application will have the following features: display posts with read more links on home page, search posts on blog, display a single post with comments and allow users to post comments. Administrator will be able to perform CRUD operations on posts and comments [and ] will be able to moderate comments.

In the three parts so far they show some simple migrations to create the "posts" and "comments" table and some basic (lorem ipsum) content. They create a basic "blog" controller and login functionality to identify the current user. Finally, they create the routing to hook it all together including some "before" hooks and authentication protection on the administrative areas.

Link: http://www.codeheaps.com/php-programming/creating-a-blog-using-laravel-4-part-3-routing/

