From the Master Zend Framework blog there's a new post reviewing a talk from this year's PHPUK (2014) from Gary Hockin, "Maximising Zend Framework 2 Performance".
Whether you're new to Zend Framework 2, or an old hand (can someone really say they're an old hand after such a short period of time?) the talk covered a range of tools, tips, and techniques for increasing application performance. This wasn't an academic run through; it was a talk based on practical, hands-on, experience from Gary's time as a core ZF2 contributor, and his work at Roave, Yamgo and AdSpruce.
The post talks some about the tools Gary used to benchmark his improvements and some common metrics to be aware of in your own results. Xdebug and Xhprof were also recommended for more introspection into what the application is doing and where the bottlenecks lie.