
Mastering Zend Framework: Building and Executing SQL Queries In Zend

The Mastering Zend Framework site (from Matthew Setter) has a new post today showing you how to execute SQL queries directly in a Zend Framework v2 application.

Whilst there are many ways for building and executing SQL queries in Zend Framework 2, the two that I usually use, and which are also used in the ZF2 manual, are closures and the selectWith function. I previously wrote a three part series, showing how to get started using the ZendDbSql classes with Zend Framework 2, but I didn't cover how to actually run them. So in today's tutorial, let's do that.

He gives examples of these two methods starting with closures in a "tableGateway" select call. He shows how to add on parts of the query like "wheres" and an "order by" as well as some basic formatting. He then gets into the "selectWith" examples, showing the same criteria just added a different way. He also includes an example of the "tableGateway" objects used for the examples and how they're configured.

Link: http://www.masterzendframework.com/php/building-and-executing-sql-queries-in-zend

