
php[architect]: April 2014 Issue Released - Major Players

As is mentioned on the php[architect] site today, they've released their latest issue - the April 2014 edition, Major Players.

It's spring, and (here in the U.S.) the Majors are starting up! In sports, we all have our favorites- the ones we love, and the ones we love to hate. In PHP, we have the similar players- Drupal, WordPress, and Yii Framework (to name a few). Love them or hate them, you can't deny that they're Major Players!

Articles in this latest edition cover topics like:

  • Programmatically Control Drupal
  • Get Started with Joind.in
  • Advanced Authentication in Laravel
  • Fly with Phalcon

You can pick up your copy directly from the php[architect] website or you can always subscribe (with both digital and print options) for a full year.

Link: http://www.phparch.com/2014/04/april-2014-phparchitect-magazine-released-major-players/

