- endeveit/cache (1.0.0)
Simple caching library with support for tags. - nanjingboy/assets (v0.1.7)
Assets Manager for PHP - wafflestealer654/computer-repair-website (1.0.10, 1.0.9, 1.0.8, 1.0.7)
Designed for the computer repair class in my school. - journal/core (v2.0.0)
Just another blogging platform - dflydev/dot-access-configuration (v1.0.1)
Given a deep data structure representing a configuration, access configuration by dot notation. - maci/standard-base-project (v1.0.7)
The "Maci Standard Base Project" distribution - maci/product-bundle (v1.0.7)
Symfony MaciProductBundle - maci/page-bundle (v1.0.7)
Symfony MaciPageBundle - maci/order-bundle (v1.0.7)
Symfony MaciOrderBundle - maci/media-bundle (v1.0.7)
Symfony MaciMediaBundle - maci/list-bundle (v1.0.7)
Symfony MaciListBundle - maci/blog-bundle (v1.0.7)
Symfony MaciBlogBundle - maci/admin-bundle (v1.0.7)
Symfony MaciAdminBundle - silverstripe/framework (3.1.7)
The SilverStripe framework - previousnext/phing-drush (0.0.1)
A library Drush targets for Phing. - researchpanelasia/sopx-auth-v1_1 (0.0.6)
SOP v1.1 authentication - dcn/store (1.0.5, 1.0.4, 1.0.3, 1.0.2, 1.0.1)
- takeatea/tea-theme-options (v1.5.1.4, v1.5.1.3, v1.5.1.2)
Simple, easy to use and fully integrated Theme Options for Wordpress. - bkwld/library (2.17.0)
Misc PHP code - expectation/peridot-expectation (
Expectation for peridot - peridot-php/peridot-scope (1.0.0)
Scopes for function binding and mixins - earthit/php-common (0.0.11)
EarthIT Common PHP Classes - vich/uploader-bundle (v0.11.3)
Ease file uploads attached to entities - clue/socks-react (v0.2.1)
Async SOCKS proxy client and server (SOCKS4, SOCKS4a and SOCKS5) - toin0u/digitalocean-v2 (0.3.0)
DigitalOcean API v2 PHP 5.4+ library - mefworks/db (v1.0.1)
An abstract database driver. - creakiwi/yaml-fixtures (v0.1.1.1)
Symfony YamlFixtures on top of DoctrineFixturesBundle - miwebb/mibadger (v3.2.1)
Less then a framework, more then a library. - sparkfun/sparklib (1.1.5)
A collection of PHP libraries from SparkFun Electronics - depotwarehouse/toolbox (1.0.3)
- getgrav/grav-theme-antimatter (1.1.7)
The default theme for the Grav flat-file CMS - spomky-labs/oauth2-server-password-client-bundle (v3.0.0)
Symfony2 OAuth2 Server Configuration Bundle - cypresslab/compass-elephant (v0.3.4)
A library to manage a compass project with PHP - statical/slim-static (v1.0.0)
Static proxy implementation for Slim framework - hautelook/sentry-bundle (0.1.8)
Symfony2 Bundle for the sentry client - middleout/mdo-zf2-auto-dependency-injector (v1.0)
A Zend Framework 2 Module that allows you to skip the defining factories for your classes (but allows you to still use them) and it injects them based on the constructor. - typo3/twitter-bootstrap (1.0.2)
Simple and flexible HTML, CSS, and Javascript for popular user interface components and interactions. Packaged for use with TYPO3 Flow - shootproof/shootproof-cli (1.0.0, 1.0.1, 1.0.2)
Command line client for ShootProof (http://shootproof.com) - vsn4ik/bootstrap-checkbox (v1.1.8)
A checkbox component based on Bootstrap framework - typo3/form (1.2.2)
Extensible and flexible API for building web forms - deefour/authorizer (0.1.0)
Simple Authorization via PHP Classes - arcanedev/sanitizer (1.0.0)
Sanitizer Helper - bushbaby/bsb-doctrine-translation-loader (v1.1.0, 1.1.0)
BsbDoctrineTranslationLoader is a ZF2 module that provides a doctrine powered translation loader. - anh/tied-content-bundle (v2.1.2)
Tied content bundle - anh/content-bundle (v2.4.0)
Content bundle - trejjam/validation (v0.3)
Validation IČ, RČ - cviebrock/eloquent-sluggable (2.0.5)
Easy creation of slugs for your Eloquent models in Laravel 4. - spomky-labs/oauth2-server-scope-manager-bundle (v3.0.1, v3.0.2)
Symfony2 OAuth2 Server Scope Manager Bundle - jansenfelipe/utils (v1.0.4)
Uma simples classe utilitária com métodos que podem salvar sua vida (ou não) - rkr/php-mysql-query-builder (,
Easy to use query builder for PHP5.3+/PDO - daitel/framework (0.1.1)
Daitel PHP Framework - thewunder/croute (1.0.1)
Convention based routing for PHP - sleeping-owl/with-join (1.0.3, 1.0.2)
Package to convert Eloquent BelongsTo subqueries into one query with left join. - colinmollenhour/cache-backend-redis (1.7)
Zend_Cache backend using Redis with full support for tags. - hackzilla/barcode-bundle (v1.4.1)
Barcode Generator Bundle - colinmollenhour/credis (1.5)
Credis is a lightweight interface to the Redis key-value store which wraps the phpredis library when available for better performance. - anh/markup-bundle (v1.1.0)
Markup bundle - schlaefer/saito-flattr (1.1.0)
Flattr for Saito forum - schlaefer/saito-userranks (1.1.0)
user ranks for Saito forum - dreamfactory/php-utils (1.0.5)
A library of helper classes for PHP - wearearchitect/sharepoint-oauth-app-client (v0.9.14)
SharePoint OAuth App Client - kartik-v/bootstrap-fileinput (v2.8.0)
An enhanced HTML 5 file input for Bootstrap 3.x with features for file preview for many file types, multiple selection, and more. - cliffparnitzky/document-management-system (2.2.0)
Provides a document management system for the Contao CMS. It offers the possibility to store versioned files in an unlimited category structure. - cliffparnitzky/monitoring (1.3.3)
Monitoring extension for checking availability of websites. - mendoframework/mediator (v1.0.0)
Mendo Mediator Component - rokde/gsales-api-client (1.0.1, 1.0.0)
SOAP Client for consumin gSales API - dannydotco/ultimapi (0.1.4)
Ultimate API tools. Transform, save, defaults, rules and more. - owc/wp-shopify (v1.0.23, v1.0.22, v1.0.21, v1.0.20, v1.0.19)
Wordpress Shopify integration. - aws/aws-sdk-php (2.7.5)
AWS SDK for PHP - Use Amazon Web Services in your PHP project - hannesvdvreken/pip (1.0.0)
The Polygon class - cerealean/php-common-utilities (1.0.1, 1.0.0)
Commonly used core PHP functionality improved upon and made for quick, easy use - skalmi/cakephp-diffbot-datasource (0.0.6, 0.0.5, 0.0.4)
CakePHP DiffbotSource Plugin with DataSource - stadline/js-extension-bundle (1.0.0)
A collection of JS tools - bnet/bnrepos (1.0.5)
lazy PHP5 library that provides Repositories as filesystem abstraction layer - jlaso/console-args (1.0.0, 1.0)
A wrapper for the $argv global - fritzmg/contao-sharebuttons (0.2.0, 0.2.1, 0.1.0)
Simple Contao extension to provide share buttons as a module and content element - kisma/kisma (0.2.75)
PHP Utility Belt - dreadlokeur/midi-chlorians-php-skeleton-application (1.0.1stable)
Application Skeleton for Midi-ChloriansPHP Framework. - scaytrase/symfony-form-extensions (2.0.1)
Additional form fields for Symfony 2 Forms - spatie/payment (0.1.5)
A Laravel package to verify and accept payments from payment gateways - scaytrase/symfony-switchable-theme (2.0.2, 2.0.1)
Web-configurable forms - akeneo/pim-community-standard (v1.2.12)
The "Akeneo Community Standard Edition" distribution - sulu/sulu-standard (0.11.1)
The sulu content management framework - stonedz/pff2-rest (v1.0.3, v1.0.2)
Creates REST controllers in pff2 - m3y/phini (0.1)
ini file utility - techdivision/persistencecontainerclient (0.7.1)
Client to connect to a PHP ApplicationServer based persistence container. - dwolla/dwolla-php (2.0.7)
An official Guzzle based wrapper for the Dwolla API. - aamant/ville-france (0.1.3)
Table des villes de france - malezha/laravel-eve-api (0.2.1)
EVE Online API for Laravel - thefuzz69/yii2-json-rpc (v1.2)
A lightweight JsonRpc Server and Client for PHP (Fork of nizsheanez's yii2-json-rpc package) - sulu/sulu (0.11.1)
SuluCMF core distribution - techdivision/persistencecontainerprotocol (0.2.5)
Implements the native Persistence-Container protocol. - techdivision/persistencecontainer (0.9.3)
Persistence container implementation for thread based PHP ApplicationServer. - rkr/php-service-dispatcher (
- g4/data-mapper (0.3.3)
data-mapper php library - rkr/logger-essentials (
- dreadlokeur/midi-chlorians-php (1.0.1stable)
Small & Quick MVC Framework for PHP 5.4. - solve/project (v0.1.7, v0.1.6, v0.1.5)
- [ Solve Project ] standart edition - bartlett/php-compatinfo (3.6.0)
Find out the minimum version and the extensions required for a piece of code to run - rkr/php-di-ioc-adapter (
- techdivision/appserver (0.10.2)
Thread based PHP daemon to implement stuff like message queues. - photon/session-mongodb (1.0)
MongoDB session backend. - blocktrail/blocktrail-sdk (1.0.3)
- unikent/footprints-php (1.1)
Footprints API for PHP. - mcamara/laravel-localization (0.15.0)
Easy localization for Laravel 4 - stubbles/date (v5.1.0)
Simplified handling of dates and datespans. - simplon/mustache (0.1.5, 0.1.4, 0.1.3, 0.1.2)
Lightweight & fast implementation of Mustache - Logic-less templates. - techdivision/application (0.3.3)
A threaded application implementation to allow a separate context for each application. - mingos/umacro (1.2.0)
uMacro is a compact library used for parsing macros within a string of text. - kphoen/doctrine-state-machine-bundle (1.0.2)
Integrates DoctrineStateMachineBehavior in Symfony2. - bartlett/php-reflect (2.6.0)
Adds the ability to reverse-engineer classes, interfaces, functions, constants, namespaces, traits and more. - bahulneel/phonon (0.2.0)
Interesting concepts half-inched from other languages - sndsgd/issue (1.0.1)
A collection of tools for tracking unexpected issues - alecsammon/php-raml-parser (0.2.3)
A RAML parser built in php - julien-c/mongovel (0.6)
A Laravel-ish wrapper to the PHP Mongo driver - kphoen/doctrine-state-machine (1.0.6)
Doctrine2 state machine behavior - michaldudek/foundation (0.9.3)
A set of useful PHP classes. - edsi-tech/sir-trevor-bundle (0.1.2, 0.1.1)
Bundle integrating SirTrevor library - solve/admin (v0.0.3, v0.0.4, v0.0.2, v0.0.1)
- [ Solve Admin panel ] for standart edition - groovey/migration (v1.0.1)
A KISS migration script using configuration file. - matycz/lemo-base (1.0.7)
Module with basic classes - ritetag/api (1.0.0)
Ritetag Api Client - coandacms/coanda-core (0.1.0)
The core package for Coanda CMS - fabiang/xmpp (0.6.0)
Library for XMPP protocol (Jabber) connections - glue/core (0.0.1)
Core of the Qoopido Glue Framework for PHP 5.4+ - eugef/phpredexpert (v1.1)
Lightweight and powerful web tool for Redis key-value store management and administration. - lekarna/coding-standard (v0.0.2)
Set of rules for PHP_CodeSniffer for internal projects. - stonedz/pff2-installers (v1.1.2)
Composer installers for pff2 - escapework/frete (0.2.3)
Library pra cálculo de frete - matycz/lemo-grid (1.4.0)
- matks/vivian (v2.0)
Php tools to provide a pretty console output - techdivision/naming (0.1.6)
Naming package implementation providing basic lookup functionality for beans. - stonedz/pff2-mongo (v1.0.6, v1.0.5, v1.0.4, v1.0.3, v1.0.2)
MongoDb module for pff2 - owlgrin/xss (v0.1.0)
Xss Sanitizer for Laravel - simplon/phtml (0.1.0)
Simple, straight forward implementation of php templates. - xinax/laravel-gettext (1.0.3)
Adds localization support to laravel applications in an easy way using PoEdit and GNU-Gettext. - cliffparnitzky/monitoring-timeline (1.0.0)
Provides timeline components for the Contao Monitoring system. - stonedz/pff2-annotations (v1.0.1)
MongoDb module for pff2 - grcs/tor-bundle (v0.1)
TOR provider - danack/githubartaxservice (0.4.1)
- ivoba/favicon-fetcher (1.1.1)
Favicon Fetcher - opis/colibri (0.5.4)
A different kind of framework - solve/http (v1.0.11)
- [ HTTP Foundation ] - danack/artaxservicebuilder (0.3.1)
- solve/router (v1.0.4)
- [ Router ] - ddliu/spider (v0.2.1, v0.2.0)
Light weight spider for the web. - solve/solve (v0.3.11, v0.3.10, v0.3.9)
- [ Solve Framework ] - stonedz/pff2-permissions (v1.2.5)
Manages permissions in pff2 controllers - spomky-labs/oauth2-server-defuse-generator-bundle (v3.0.1)
Symfony2 Defuse Generator for OAuth2 Server Bundle - econic/testers (0.4.1, 0.4.0)
Testing Utilities for TYPO3 Flow Packages - econic/testing (0.4.1)
Testing Utilities for TYPO3 Flow Packages - devfactory/taxonomy (2.0.2)
Create and manage a heirarchical taxonomy of terms within different vocabularies - oval/laravel-upload-helper (v1.0.3, v1.0.2, v1.0.1, v1.01)
Upload helper library for Laravel - symfony2admingenerator/generator-bundle (v2.0-beta.20)
Admingenerator for Symfony2 based on YAML configuration and Twig templating - morrow/core (1.2.0)
Contains the core files of the Morrow framework that live in the vendor folder. - linslin/yii2-curl (1.0.1)
Cool working cURL extension with RESTful support for Yii - massive/search-bundle (0.4.0)
Massive Search Bundle - morrow/framework (1.2.0)
A clean project to start building your awesome app. - morrow/docs (1.2.0)
The documentation for the Morrow PHP framework. - toknot/tonot (2.0.0)
A PHP MVC Framework - zofe/dataform (1.0.7, 1.0.6, 1.0.5, 1.0.4)
Form helper / builder with eloquent support, for Deficient - draugiem/draugiem-php-sdk (v1.3.5)
Draugiem.lv API PHP library - sanmark/php-helpers (v1.0.0)
- shalomsam/core (v1.2.3, v1.2.4-alpha, v1.2.3-alpha)
Core PHP Framework - skullyframework/skully (v0.1.14)
Simple framework by trio digital agency. - developeruz/yii-behaviors (0.3)
Behaviors for Yii2 - triagens/arangodb (v2.2, v2.2.6)
ArangodDb PHP client - opb/laravel-hipchat (0.1)
HipChat Notifier for Laravel 4 - orchestra/platform (v2.2.5, v2.1.7)
Orchestra Platform 2 - orchestra/control (v2.2.3, v2.1.5)
Control Extension for Orchestra Platform 2 - pingpong/menus (1.0.6)
Laravel Menus - ajaxtown/eaglehorn (2.0.0)
Framework for PHP 5.3+ - pingpong/generators (1.0.1)
Laravel Generators - techdivision/enterprisebeans (0.1.5)
Contains the Enterprise PHP Beans classes and interfaces. - spontena/pb-php (1.0.61, 1.0.6, 1.0.4)
Pandorabots API module for PHP - howlowck/meetup-oauth2-provider (0.1.0)
Meetup OAuth2 Client Provider for Leagues OAuth2-Client - cocoframework/web-kernel (1.0.0-beta3)
The kernel files for cocoframework project. - vse/abbc3 (3.1.0-b3)
Replace phpBB3's BBCode buttons with icons in an attractive and customizable toolbar. This extension also adds many new and useful custom BBCodes giving users more ways to customize their posts, including BBvideo (embed videos from dozens of media sites). Custom BBCodes can be arranged and sorted in any order and assigned to specific usergroups (such as Moderators and Admins only). - nyankod/jsonfiledb (v0.2.2, v0.2.1)
json database library for PHP - radnan/rdn-factory (v1.0.1)
Zend Framework 2 module to help create factory classes - retailcrm/api-client-php (v3.0.2)
PHP client for retailCRM API
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