- silverstripe/framework (3.1.8)
The SilverStripe framework - sabre/uri (0.0.1)
Functions that help with uris. - drwrf/mismatch-orm (0.3.0)
A simple library for complex SQL. - drush/drush (6.5.0, 7.0.0-alpha6)
Drush is a command line shell and scripting interface for Drupal, a veritable Swiss Army knife designed to make life easier for those of us who spend some of our working hours hacking away at the command prompt. - newway/payment (0.7, 0.6, 0.5, 0.4, 0.3, 0.2, 0.1)
Payment package for laravel - drwrf/mismatch-model (0.1.7)
A simple library for complex types. - yajra/laravel-oci8 (v2.0.4, v2.0.3)
Oracle DB driver for Laravel 4|5 via OCI8 - chrisbjr/api-guard (v0.6)
A simple way of authenticating your APIs with API keys using Laravel - stecman/symfony-console-completion (0.4.4)
Automatic BASH completion for Symfony Console Component based applications. - tyler-sommer/nice (0.11.1, 0.11.0, 0.10.2, 0.10.1, 0.10.0)
A nice PHP microframework - nice/framework (0.11.1, 0.11.0, 0.10.2, 0.10.1, 0.10.0)
A nice PHP microframework - ibourgeois/laraedit (0.2.0, 0.1.0, 0.0.2)
IDE Package for Laravel - lwc/kumite-bundle (1.0.1)
Kumite Symfony Bundle - krakerag/experian-qas (v0.3)
Experian QAS library for Postcode search - takeatea/tea-theme-options (v1.5.1.7, v1.5.1.6)
Simple, easy to use and fully integrated Theme Options for Wordpress. - wafflesystems/io (1.0.9, 1.0.8, 1.0.7)
PHP Library for abstracting and implementing commonly used IO code. - wafflesystems/sessions (1.0.11)
PHP Library to create a new way to handles sessions. - eloquent/phony (0.2.0)
Mocks, stubs, and spies for PHP. - dcn/store (1.0.12, 1.0.11, 1.0.10, 1.0.9)
- justinbusschau/omnipay-secpay (2.0.1)
SecPay gateway for the Omnipay payment processing library - illuminate-education/swift-reach-api (v1.2.4)
PHP library to integrate with SwiftReach - nette/code-checker (v2.3.0)
A simple tool to check source code against a set of coding standards. - authbucket/oauth2 (2.3.4, 2.3.3)
The standard compliant OAuth2.0 library based on the Symfony Components - authbucket/oauth2-php (2.3.4, 2.3.3)
The standard compliant OAuth2.0 library based on the Symfony Components - authbucket/oauth2-symfony-bundle (2.3.3, 2.3.2)
Symfony OAuth2Bundle - codeception/codeception (2.0.8)
BDD-style testing framework - spomky-labs/oauth2-server-public-client-bundle (v3.0.2)
Symfony2 OAuth2 Server Configuration Bundle - spomky-labs/oauth2-server-bearer-access-token-bundle (v3.0.3, v3.0.2)
Symfony2 OAuth2 Server Configuration Bundle - phundament/app (4.0.0-beta5)
12factor Application Template for Yii 2.0 Framework - credibility/dandb (v1.0.1, v1.0.0)
PHP Wrapper for Dun & Bradstreet Credibility Corp. API - boomcms/boom-robotstxt (v1.0.1, v2.0.1)
robots.txt generator for BoomCMS - whirlpool/framework (0.0.3, 0.0.2, 0.0.1, v1.0.1)
An MVC framework based on Composer components. - credibility/dandb-laravel (v1.0.1, v1.0.0)
Laravel Wrapper for DandB REST API - kevintweber/ktw-database-menu-bundle (v0.4)
Symfony bundle for extending KnpMenuBundle to store menu items in a database. - symfony2admingenerator/twig-generator (v1.1.0)
A generator for PHP code based on Twig template engine - sparkfun/sparklib (1.1.7, 1.1.6)
A collection of PHP libraries from SparkFun Electronics - zfcampus/zf-apigility-doctrine (0.2.6)
Doctrine for Apigility - maximecolin/wheels (1.0.0)
A PHP implementation of the command bus pattern for DDD - getgrav/grav-theme-antimatter (1.1.8)
The default theme for the Grav flat-file CMS - contao-community-alliance/composer-plugin (2.3.1, 2.3)
Composer plugin that provide contao integration and installer. - jonom/focuspoint (1.0.4)
Smarter automatic image cropping for SilverStripe - parse/php-sdk (1.0.4)
Parse PHP SDK - middleout/mdo-zf2-bundle (1.0.6, 1.0.5)
Mdo ZF2 bundle - mlantz/quarx (v6.7.1, v6.7.0, v6.6.6, v6.6.5)
A powerful fully responsive modular application structure - zfrapid/zfrapid-core (0.0.9, 0.0.8, 0.0.7, 0.0.6, 0.0.5, 0.0.4)
This module provides core functions and classes for the ZFRapid tool. - etalio/php-sdk (0.4.5)
Etalio PHP SDK - crowdcube/codesniffer-standard (0.3.1)
Crowdcube PHP_Codesniffer Standard - contao-community-alliance/dependency-container (1.6.0-alpha1)
Dependency container based on pimple for Contao open source cms. - suitetea/quick-routes (0.8.5, 0.8.4)
QuickRoutes simplifies and shortens mundane and repeated declaration of routes and controller methods. - matthewbdaly/site-up-checker (1.0.1, 1.0.0)
A PHP class for checking if a site is up - paliari/php-text-object (0.6.3)
Converte arquivos de texto para objeto - angel/faqs (0.0.4)
- mascame/artificer (v0.1.0-alpha)
Artificer is an admin package built on top of your Eloquent models. - wsdl2phpgenerator/wsdl2phpgenerator (2.5.5)
Simple class library for generating php classes from a wsdl file. - hgg/pardot (v1.0.2, v1.0.1)
Pardot API library for building custom CRM connectors - gathercontent/laravel-fractal (0.1.2)
A Laravel Service Provider for Fractal - simplon/template (0.1.2)
Simple templating solution w/ assets handling (mustache, phtml, assets) - simplon/request (0.1.2)
Simple, straight forward request helper - zenify/doctrine-fixtures (v1.1.1)
Doctrine Fixtures, Faker and Alice integration into Nette - saiba/ymapi (v1.0.4, v1.0.3, v1.0.2, v1.0.1)
- phpsysinfo/phpsysinfo (v3.1.17)
phpSysInfo is a customizable PHP Script that parses /proc, and formats information nicely. It will display information about system facts like Uptime, CPU, Memory, PCI devices, SCSI devices, IDE devices, Network adapters, Disk usage, and more. - collegefb/web (v1.0.1)
Public website of the CollegeFB project - neverbland/njax-bundle (0.9.3)
NJAX - Navigation in AJAX. Integration with Symfony2. - collegefb/collegefb (v1.2.3)
College Football Database domain logic - noxlogic/ratelimit-bundle (1.3)
This bundle provides functionality to limit calls to actions based on rate limits - vince/type-bundle (1.0.20)
Form types for Symfony 2.3+ - iio/libmergepdf (2.4.0)
Library for merging multiple PDFs - caffeina-core/api (1.0.6, 1.0.5, 1.0.4, 1.0.3, 1.0.2, 1.0.1, 1.0.0)
API extensions for Caffeina Core - keboola/extractor-bundle (1.0.0-beta11)
Keboola Extractor Development Bundle - ebidtech/geoziplocation (v0.5.7.1, v0.5.7)
Geo zipcode location - etconsilium/applejackyll (1.4.4)
Yet Another Jekyll Clone. Powered by Markdown, Twig, Console. Addicted by MLP ^__^ - daitel/framework (0.1.2)
Daitel PHP Framework - iceframework/base (0.1.0)
The base application written in Ice framework - hi-media/padocc-engine (v2.2.0)
Padocc's engine: Platform for Automatized Deployments with pOwerful Concise Configuration - mendoframework/logger (v1.0.1)
Mendo Logger Component - uthando-cms/uthando-user (1.4.4)
User module for Uthando CMS - voceconnect/voce-post-meta-psu (1.2.0)
Post Meta API Extension for Post Selection UI fields - mvpdesign/wordpress (v1.0.2, v1.0.1)
WordPress magic stack - arara/process (1.5.0)
Provides a better API to work with processes on Unix-like systems - claroline/bundle-recorder (3.0.8, 3.0.7, 3.0.5, 3.0.6, 3.0.4, 3.0.3)
Claroline bundle recorder - uthando-cms/uthando-theme-manager (1.2.4)
Theme Manager module for Uthando CMS - adammbalogh/phrest (0.5.0)
Php Rest Micro Framework. Simple, Easy, Extensible. - devfactory/media (1.0.0)
Laravel package for saving uploaded files and linking them with models - wecodemore/wp-composer-config (1.0.8, v1.0.7, 1.0.6)
Auto generate your wp-config as Composer Script - sdebacker/typicms (1.7.3, 1.7.2)
Multilingual CMS build with Laravel 4.2 - jakeasmith/http_build_url (0.1.5)
Provides functionality for http_build_url() to environments without pecl_http. - kartik-v/yii2-grid (v2.5.0)
Yii 2 GridView on steroids. Various enhancements and utilities for the Yii 2.0 GridView widget. - phpspec/prophecy (v1.3.1)
Highly opinionated mocking framework for PHP 5.3+ - capirussa/eobot-php (1.3.1)
A PHP library for communicating with the Eobot cloud bitcoin mining service (https://www.eobot.com) - oro/crm (1.4.1)
OroCRM - samheer/contao-sermoner (v0.7.1-beta, v0.7-beta)
A administration tool to manage audio files of sermons, workshops, seminars, etc. - digitalkaoz/gaufrette-browser-bundle (0.3.0)
This bundle provides an integration of the KnpMenu library - cliffparnitzky/document-management-system-file-type-sets (1.0.0)
Provides file type sets for the document management system. - majes/core-bundle (v1.20.20)
Majes framework core bundle - labtech-software/connectwise-psa-sdk (v1.1.11)
LabTech's PHP SDK for the ConnectWise PSA - hostnet/hn-dependency-injection-plugin (2.3.2)
Introduces the Symfony 2 DI container in a Symfony 1 application. - uthando-cms/uthando-contact (1.2.2)
Contact module for Uthando CMS - yandex-money/yandex-money-sdk-php (v3.0.6)
Yandex.Money API SDK for PHP - thelia/thelia (2.1.0-alpha2)
Thelia is an ecommerce CMS. - fenos/notifynder (2.5.4, 2.1.7)
Management system of internal notifications for Laravel 4.* - uthando-cms/uthando-business-list (1.1.0, 1.0.0)
Business listing module for Uthando CMS - caouecs/bootstrap3 (0.1.1)
Bootstrap 3 for Laravel 4 - devstub/kubernetes-api-php-client (v0.1.1, v0.1.0)
PHP client for the kubernetes api - jasny/social (v0.3.4)
- prismic/php-sdk (1.0.13)
PHP development kit for prismic.io - bariew/yii2-cms-project (1.0.0-alpha.1, 1.0.0-alpha)
Yii2 Null CMS - ujm/exo-bundle (1.4.2)
- fritzmg/contao-sharebuttons (1.0.3, 1.0.2, 1.0.1, 1.0.0)
Simple Contao extension to provide share buttons as a module and content element - voryx/thruway (0.2.3)
PHP WAMP2 library - bazo/nette-linker (v1.1.0)
Service to create links outside of presenters - jorrit77/laravel-doctrine (0.5.1)
The Doctrine 2 implementation that melts with Laravel 4 on PHP 5.3 - sleeping-owl/admin (1.1.3)
Aministrative interface builder for Laravel. - solve/solve (v0.3.18, v0.3.17, v0.3.16)
- [ Solve Framework ] - rtens/mockster (2.3.2)
PHP Mocking framework - tvr/tyii (1.0.1)
Help component for testing yii controllers - oro/platform (1.4.1)
Business Application Platform (BAP) - unikent/lib-php-readinglists (2.0)
Reading Lists API for PHP. - akeneo/magento-connector-bundle (v1.1.3)
Akeneo PIM bundle to export to Magento platform - unikent/lib-php-footprints (2.0)
Footprints API for PHP. - nooku/installer (v1.0.2, v1.0.1)
A Composer plugin to install Nooku Framework into any Joomla site. - himiklab/yii2-search-component (1.0.0)
Yii2 Zend Lucine search component - groovey/documentation (v1.0.0)
A scaffolding tool to generate markdown documentation websit - unikent/lib-php-librarysearch (1.0)
Library Search PHP library. - nooku/pkg_todo (v1.0.0)
Example item list Joomla extension build using Nooku Framework - nooku/joomla-todo (v1.0.0)
Example item list Joomla extension build using Nooku Framework - ministryofjustice/opg-core-public-domain-model (
Domain model for the OPG Core project - opis/colibri (0.6.0)
A different kind of framework - mekras/obereg-bundle (v1.00.2, v1.00)
Symfony error handling bundle - caffeina-core/core (0.8.1)
Caffeina - Core PHP SDK - humanmade/wp-maestro (v0.2)
WordPress project generator - k1low/holiday_jp (v1.0.0)
Japanese holidays - godpod/tmhoauth (
An OAuth library written in PHP for Twitter - sostheblack/moip (v1.6.0)
Package for integrating its platform with the intermediary payment MoIP.. - icanboogie/activerecord (v2.1.0.1)
ActiveRecord Object-relational mapping - yasinaydin/symfony1-updater (1.0.12, 1.0.11, 1.0.10, 1.0.9, 1.0.8, 1.0.7, 1.0.6, 1.0.5, 1.0.4, 1.0.3, 1.0.2)
A CLI updater for Symfony1 Framework - innova/path-bundle (v2.4.2, v2.4.1)
Claroline Path Bundle - esky/enum (1.1.0)
PHP Enum implementation - claroline/team-bundle (1.0.1)
Claroline workspace team tool plugin - scandio/troba (0.3.2)
troba is a easy to use and extensible PHP (5.4) entity and query manager based on PDO - bentools/arraytools (v1.0)
Some extra functions to work with arrays. - vova07/yii2-imperavi-widget (1.1.4)
The imperavi redactor widget for Yii framework. - nooku/nooku-activities (2.0.2)
A reusable component for logging and exposing activity streams - hyyan/slider (0.3)
Wordpress plugin to create wordpress sliders using custom post types and taxonomies - laravelrus/localized-carbon (v1.4.0-BETA)
A localizable version of Carbon - imia/compass-compile (0.2)
Stylesheet compiling with compass - nooku/pkg_catcher (1.0.2)
A bundle of plugins and a library for catching and debug Joomla! events - nooku/joomla-catcher (1.0.2)
A bundle of plugins and a library for catching and debug Joomla! events - bitweb/zf2-error-reporting-module (1.0.2)
BitWeb Zend Framework module for sending errors to email. - maalls/twitterapi (v1.1, v1.2)
Implementation of the Twitter API for PHP. - psi/contao-livereload (1.1.0, 1.0.0)
Contao CSS Livereload Client - bitweb/error-reporting (1.0.5)
BitWeb extension for sending errors to email. - endeveit/cache (1.0.1)
Simple caching library with support for tags. - ingussneilands/debug (1.1.0, 1.0.1)
Simple Debug Tool - nooku/joomla-basicauth (v1.0.0)
A Joomla! plugin to allow users to login using basic HTTP authentication - naonaox1126/vizualizer (v1.5.5)
Visual Framework in PHP - valendesigns/option-tree (v2.4.5)
Theme Options UI Builder for WordPress. - hgg/parallelprocess (v0.0.2, v0.0.1)
Keep mulitiple processes running and respawn if necessary - internations/kodierungsregelwerksammlung (0.6.0)
Custom InterNations code sniffer rules - phpcr/phpcr-utils (1.2.2)
PHP Content Repository implementation independant utilities - superruzafa/rules (1.0.0)
A rule engine following the condition -> action paradigm - genesis/phpunitassister (v0.3.1)
Extends the phpunit WebTestCase class to provide easier mocking and assertions (chain mocking and chain assertions) - anahkiasen/polyglot (1.3.2)
Laravel localization helpers and models - nooku/nooku-framework (2.0.3)
Nooku Framework is an open-source extension framework for Joomla - kingsquare/communibase-connector-php (1.0.4)
This is the Communibase connector for PHP. - astina/social-links-bundle (2.1.0)
Symfony bundle that is using SocialLinks to generate share links for social networks. - brash-creative/popomapper (1.1.1)
Plain old PHP object JSON mapper - Map json or array structures to a POPO - suramon/auto-pimple (2.0.1)
Pimple with automated service loading - vsn4ik/bootstrap-submenu (v1.2.7)
Bootstrap Sub-Menus - rmiller/hal-guzzle-response (0.1.0)
Adds Hal resources to Guzzle Responses - zordius/lightncandy (v0.17)
An extremely fast PHP implementation of handlebars ( http://handlebarsjs.com/ ) and mustache ( http://mustache.github.io/ ). - fabpot/php-cs-fixer (v1.1)
A script to automatically fix Symfony Coding Standard - jenner/tools (v1.2.0)
common static functions - sulu/sulu-standard (0.11.2)
The sulu content management framework - sulu/sulu (0.11.2)
SuluCMF core distribution - fahmiardi/oauth2-server-redis (0.1.0)
Redis storage adapter for the League's PHP OAuth 2.0 server. - authbucket/push-php (0.0.17)
Push notifications for mobile devices based on the Symfony Components - contao-community-alliance/composer-client (0.15)
The contao composer client. - elgg/elgg (1.9.5)
Elgg is an award-winning social networking engine, delivering the building blocks that enable businesses, schools, universities and associations to create their own fully-featured social networks and applications. - sastrawi/sentence-detector (v0.1.0)
PHP library that detects sentence in Bahasa Indonesia. - ferdirn/laravel-id-provinces (v2.0)
Laravel ID Provinces is a package for Laravel to supply all provinces data in Indonesia to table provinces including province name, country code, capital, and area in square km.
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