Anthony Ferrara has tossed his own hat into the ring around the debate that's been going about the RFC for scalar type hints in PHP. In his post he agrees with (most of) the suggestions made in the proposal around strict, weak and the "compromise" of mixed typing.
There's currently a proposal that's under vote to add Scalar Typing to PHP. It's been a fairly controversial post, but at this point in time it's currently passing with 67.8% of votes. If you want a simplified breakdown of the proposal, check out Pascal Martin's excellent post about it. What I want to talk about is more of an opinion. Why I believe this is the correct approach to the problem.
He starts off talking about the "all strict" angle that some suggested as the proper approach then moves into the "weak argument" explaining the difference between the two. He shares a bit of history around the problems detecting subtle bugs caused by typing issues and how it is definitely a problem that needs solving. Finally, he talks about the mixed-typing compromise and provides some code samples showing a common bug that can happen with weak typing.