
NetTuts.com: When You're Hacked in WordPress: Dealing With a Hacked WordPress Site

On the NetTuts.com site today there's a new tutorial showing you what you can do when your WordPress site is hacked.

One of the worst things that can happen to your website just happened: It's been hacked. Somebody broke into your computer and got passwords, or your passwords were weak, or somebody exploited a security vulnerability caused by WordPress or your hosting provider, or something else happened that let a hacker hack your website...What do we do now? It's not the time to feel sorry for yourself, it's time to take action and bring back your website.

They start with a brief look at how a WordPress site might be hacked, not specific exploits, but topics and types of vulnerabilities. Following this they talk about thier recommended steps to do when the hack is discovered including:

  • Shut It Down NOW!
  • Contact Your Hosting Provider for Details
  • Find Out What Caused It and Take Action
  • Fix and Double-Check Everything and Go Live Again

Each step comes with a summary of the steps inside and even a "checklist" of things to verify before bringing the site back up.

Link: http://code.tutsplus.com/tutorials/when-youre-hacked-in-wordpress-dealing-with-a-hacked-wordpress-site--cms-22747

