
Ben Ramsey: Composer: Missing Distributions for Explicit References

Ben Ramsey has shared an interesting issue he's come across when installing packages via Composer where it installed a different version than expected when he ran an install. The problem turned out to be from an unexpected place.

For applications I control that are not distributed to the public, I like to hard-lock my Composer dependencies to a specific version. [...] Sometimes a library has updates that haven't yet been released, and I need to use these right away. Composer allows me to specify the specific commit I want to use for a library. In this way, I can hard-lock a dependency to a specific state, even when there is not yet a release for the changes I need. This has worked well until today, when I tried to do a fresh composer install. After installing, one library contained files and methods that I did not expect. It turns out Composer was grabbing the HEAD of dev-master instead of the specific commit I referenced.

After some investigation into his "composer.lock" file's contents, he found the issue: a problem with the way that BitBucket handles the distribution zip files Composer requests. In his example, the zip file was of the HEAD on the repository, not of the specific commit (GitHub doesn't have this problem). His solution was using the (slower) "--prefer-source" option to grab the correct commit contents...not an ideal solution but it does what he needs.

Link: http://benramsey.com/blog/2015/06/composer-missing-distributions/

