Loïc Chardonne has posted the latest part in his "Symfony Differently" series (part one is here) with a focus on bootstrapping the application and configuring the environment that it will live in.
Our goal in this post is to bootstrap an application to then create a search endpoint for items. We've decided to use Symfony for a single reason: our company Acme used it since the beginning and the API developers team has Symfony and PHP skills.
He walks through the steps you'll need to get the application up and running:
- Creating a new Symfony Standard Edition project
- Configuring Apache
- Moving the tests to a different directory, including Composer updates
- Creating scripts for builds, testing and deployment
With all this structure in place, the next part of the series will start in on the functionality of the search endpoint and returning the results.
Link: http://gnugat.github.io/2015/06/10/sf-differently-part-2-bootstrap.html