
Community News: Latest PECL Releases for 09.17.2013

Latest PECL Releases:
  • event 1.7.8
    Fix: build error on Solaris
    Introduced negative dependencies: libevent extension, windows OS

  • jsmin 0.1.1
    - Version number fixes
    - Windows fixes (thanks weltling)

  • APCu 4.0.2
    - Fixed bug #15 APC compatibility option broken. (Anatol)
    - Fixed bug #20 APCu's APCIterator constructor is not compatable with APC. (Anatol)
    - Fixed resource leak when data preload fails. (Anatol)
    - Fixed issue #29 php_apcu.dll does not load anymore under X64. (Anatol)

  • event 1.7.7
    Fix: incorrect handling of sockets extension dependency
    (a hack for distros installing sockets separately)

  • graphdat 1.0.2
    Stable release, linux based platforms only

  • riak 0.5.1
    Bugfix release

