
Phil Sturgeon: Solving the PHP Internals Workflow

If you're not a subscriber to the php-internals mailing list, you may not know of several discussions happening right now. On of them relates to how the PHP project is currently run and include suggestions from a wide range of folks for improvements. Phil Sturegon has shared some of his own suggestions in a new post to his site.

On Monday I posted a tale of woe, which like any good tale had a moral at the end. The moral was that while PHP internals has its troubles, the troubles are really being perpetuated by a small few, and there is a clear path to solving the problems. [The PHP-FIG had similar problems and] It soon became incredibly clear that this approach would never work. We needed a workflow, and so does PHP.

He gets into some of the details behind the "growing pains" the PHP-FIG went through before defining their own workflow approach. He points out some of the problems with the workflow on the PHP side (defined here) but suggests that some of it could be avoided with a bit of tweaking. He also points out that the php-internals list "could be awesome" and that steps are already being taken (like improving news.php.net) towards that goal.

Link: http://philsturgeon.co.uk/blog/2013/09/solving-the-php-internals-workflow

