
Rob Allen: Returning JSON errors in a ZF2 application

Rob Allen has a quick post to his site for the Zend Framework 2 users out there showing how to return JSON errors from your requests.

If you have a standard ZF2 application and accept application/json requests in addition to application/html, then you have probably noticed that when an error happens, HTML is created, even though the client has requested JSON. One way to fix this is to create a listener on MVC's render event to detect that an error has occurred and substitute a JsonModel in place of the ViewModel. The easiest way to do this in your ApplicationModule.

He includes some example code showing how to attach a listener for rendering ("onRenderError") and the code that defines the renderer itself. It goes through a series of checks on the request and then gets the error information from the Response. Some common errors are caught and replaced with a default message, otherwise its just directly sent to render. He then attaches the whole thing in the bootstrap and shows a simple way to test the output with a cURL call.

Link: http://akrabat.com/zend-framework-2/returning-json-errors-in-a-zf2-application/

