
7PHP.com: Know The Las Vegas PHP User Group - Help Each Other & We All Benefit

The 7PHP.com site has posted their latest PHP community interview. This time it's with a group from the Las Vegas PHP User Group about their community and group. The interview talks to Adam Englander, one of the organizers of the group.

This is the #4th set of 'Know Thy PHP Usergroup' in an attempt to create more awareness of: what is $this PHP UG about + get to know the leaders/Founders/Community behind it and
what is a PHP User Group in general to personally know all the PHP user groups Around The World - that excites me and I hope you too! This concept is also a good opportunity for new #elePHPants to know about PHP UGs. [...] The Las Vegas PHP Users Group is a group dedicated to PHP developers learning from and teaching each other. [...] All skill levels are sought after. If you are looking to teach, learn, network, or just mingle, join the group and participate on the adventure.

They cover a lot of topics about the group including things like:

  • How the group started
  • How often they meet
  • What was their largest meeting attendance
  • Challenges in finding sponsors
  • How it's different than other user groups

Check out the full interview for the answers to these and other interesting questions.

Link: http://7php.com/php-usergroup-las-vegas/

