
Master Zend Framework: How to view an Instagram Photo Stream in Zend Framework 2

On the Master Zend Framework site Matthew Setter has a new tutorial showing how to pull in Instagram photo feeds in a Zend Framework 2 application via their on developer functionality.

In today's tutorial, we're going to learn how to retrieve and display an Instagram photo stream in Zend Framework 2. We're going to cover the essentials of adding the libraries we'll need to composer.json, handling authentication and then retrieving and displaying our photo stream in a controller action. We'll be doing all of this by using composer to create a new Zend Framework 2 project, based on the ZF2 Skeleton App project and then add a new controller and action which will handle the work involved.

The tutorial uses a basic skeleton application and a PHP Instagram library to make the connection to their API. He shows you how to register your application with Instagram and set up the OAuth configuration to handle the authorization process. He walks you through the creation of the controller, setup of session support and the creation of a "photosAction" to view the results of the photo feed pull. He includes a screenshot of what the end result should look like with it all up and working.

Link: http://www.masterzendframework.com/api/view-instagram-photo-stream

