
NetTuts.com: Running WordPress on OpenShift Part2

NetTuts.com has posted the second part of their series about getting WordPress up and running on a RedHat OpenShift cloud instance. In part one of the series they looked at OpenShift as a whole and created the initial application. This part focuses more on setting up the right environment and getting WordPress installed using their rhc client tool.

In this tutorial, we will dive deeply into OpenShift to understand the custom build and deployment process. We will also learn the command-line tool for logging and troubleshooting when our application is down. [...] We did almost all of those tasks using the web interface which is great and very convenient; however, in addition to the dashboard, OpenShift offers a powerful client tool call rhc client.

They guide you through the installation of the command-line client (rhc) as a Ruby gem and include the results of the "help" command. They include example commands showing how to: ssh into the instance, deploy the application and add more functionality to prepare for the WordPress install. There's also some information about environment variables and creating a custom build process to deploy WordPress correctly.

Link: http://code.tutsplus.com/tutorials/running-wordpress-on-openshift-part2--cms-19947

