
Community News: Latest PECL Releases for 02.17.2015

Latest PECL Releases:
  • swoole 1.7.10
    - Fixed udp server after the reload cycle of death BUG
    - Fixed http server POST request segment fault error
    - Added non-blocking settings for swoole_process::wait
    - Fixed pecl script cannot use
    - Fixed swoole_server->sendMessage to fail
    - Added swoole_websocket_server
    - Added swoole_server->sendto
    - Optimization performance for http_server
    - Optimization performance for swoole_client and swoole_event
    - Added ARM platform support

  • varnish 1.2.1
    - fixed build with Varnish 4.x (thanks Remi Collet)

  • varnish 1.2.0
    - m4 updated for Varnish 4.x compliance (Remi Collet)
    - Varnish 4.x compatibility, but
    - VarnishStat and VarnishLog aren't supported when linking to Varnish 4.x anymore
    - PHP7 compatibility

  • gnupg 1.3.6
    Compilation bug

  • gnupg 1.3.5
    Fix compatibility with PHP 5.4, 5.5 and 5.6
    iterator fix
    bug #65342

  • mongo 1.6.2
    ** Bug
    * [PHP-1390] - MongoCursor::hasNext() may fail with one result or on getMore boundaries

