
SitePoint PHP Blog: Introduction to Silex - A Symfony Micro-framework

The SitePoint PHP blog has a tutorial posted today introducing you to one of the more popular PHP microframeworks out there, Silex. This new article jumps right in and shows you how to use it.

Silex is a PHP micro-framework based on Symfony components and inspired by the Sinatra Ruby framework. In this article, we are going to get started with the framework and see the how it fits our needs.

He walks you through the installation of Silex (and Twig) through Composer and the creation of the basic folder structure to build the first app. He then gets into talking about how routes are handled, parameters and linking controllers to routes. He also introduces the use of providers and shows how to implement the one for Twig to use in templating the output of the application.

Link: http://www.sitepoint.com/introduction-silex-symfony-micro-framework/

