
Laravel News: Learn Laravel 5 with Easy Laravel

The Laravel News site has a new post today about a book (from Jason Gilmore) wanting to help you learn everything you need to know about Laravel 5 - Easy Laravel 5.

Easy Laravel is a new book by W. Jason Gilmore, focusing entirely on the brand new Laravel 5. Easy Laravel features 8 chapters and over 200 pages to help you learn Laravel 5 quickly by building a real world project. Jason has spent the last 15 years using PHP, during this time he's written seven PHP books. Including the bestseller, "Beginning PHP and MySQL, Fourth Edition", that has been in print more than 10 years. He has a gift of explaining things clearly in a very nice style.

The post also includes some Q&A with Jason asking about why he chose to write a book on Laravel, what was the most enjoyable part of the process and what his favorite new feature is. The remainder of the post walks you through the chapters of the book and introduces you to some of the content with a brief summary of each.

Link: https://laravel-news.com/2015/02/learn-laravel-5-easy-laravel/

