As Rob Allen points out, the PHP North West conference is happening again this year and includes a Zend Framework 2 tutorial day session as taught by him.
The fabulous PHPNW conference is back again this year on October 8th and 9th and tickets are now for sale for a mere £72. Buy now! as you only have a few days left at that price. There's no need to wait for the schedule as we know from the past 3 years, that it's going to be a great selection of relevant topics. More importantly, this year there's a tutorial day on Friday 7th October which is also very cost-effective at £330 for the tutorial day and the conference.
He mentions some of the other tutorials happening the same day including a look at Drupal performance and tools, web services and maintainable application development through components. If you're interested in the sessions and what they're about, check out the tutorial day page on the PHPNW website.