
Symfony Blog: Symfony2: Getting Easier - Interactive Generators

On the Symfony blog they've posted the latest in their "Getting Easier" series looking at some of the things being done for the framework to help make it more appealing for those just coming in. In this new article they look at the new interactive generators that help you create the code you'll need to set up your bundles without a lot of manual effort.

symfony1 has generators for all those things, but until now, Symfony2 was not very good at generating code. Well, that's "fixed" now, thanks to the new GeneratorBundle. The bundle is included by default in Symfony SE (as of 2.0.0 RC1 which will be released on June 24th) and it knows how to generate bundles, forms, Doctrine entities, and simple CRUD controllers to get you started even faster.

A screencast is included in the post showing the process of running the new tool and generate all of the configurations you'll need for a bundle, a Doctrine2 entity, database creation and the CRUD interfaces for a Doctrine entity. You can grab the code for this new bundle from the Sensio github account.

