- Otto on WordPress: WordPress 3.0: Multisite Domain Mapping Tutorial
- PHPBuilder.com: Three Advanced Object-Oriented PHP Features You Need to Know
- phpRiot.com: Combining PHP, JSON and jQuery Screencast
- Chris Hartjes' Blog: Book Review - CodeIgniter 1.7: Professional Development
- Listmania: 10 Books To Help You Master PHP Development
- Smashing Magaine: Drupal Cheat Sheet Desktop Wallpaper
- Simon Jones' Blog: Admin sub-modules in Zend Framework
- Developer.com: Doctrine: Object Relational Mapping for Your PHP Development
- phpDevelopment: Zend Framework Tutorial Series: Part 2 - Debugging your application
- WebReferece.com: Managing Your Email Campaigns with phpList
- NETTUTS.com: How to Write a "Most Popular By Views" WordPress Plugin
- ThinkPHP Blog: Benchmarking & optimizing real-world scenarios in a business context
- Web Builder Zone: Quicksort Algorithm - Difference Between PHP and JavaScript
- Chris Jones' Blog: Using PHP OCI8 with 32-bit PHP on Windows 64-bit
- Brian Swan's Blog: CTP 2 of Microsoft Driver for PHP for SQL Server Released!
Site News: Blast from the Past - One Year Ago in PHP
Here's what was popular in the PHP community one year ago today:
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