As of March 30th, the PHP community has a new resource to learn and grow in their favorite language - the Web & PHP Magazine (published by S&S Media).
This is an exciting time for PHP and an exciting time to be launching a new publication. [...] We think we've got a great selection of articles in this first issue of Web & PHP Magazine, and we hope there's something of interest for PHP devs of every skill level. Feel free to get in touch if there's anything that you'd like to see in next month's issue, or submit a piece yourself. As ever, we'll be out and about in the PHP community over the next few months, so don't hesitate to say hello.
In their inaugural issue, there's articles about the PHP UK Conference, Security and emerging databases. There's also an interview with Robert Douglass (Senior Drupal Advisor at Acquia).
They're also offering the issue for download directly from their site (as a PDF) with later issues coming to multiple platforms (like mobile devices).