On PHPMaster.com today there's a new tutorial showing you how to test your application's interface with the database using "bulletproof" PHPUnit testing.
There's already a great article here that discusses Test Driven Development, but did you know that you can also test the code that interacts with your database? Especially if your application is data intensive, subjecting your CRUD code to a battery of tests is good practice that helps ensure that your application is working correctly. In this article you will be learning how to write database tests in PHP using PHPUnit and its database extension.
Included in the post is an example schema and an example of the seed data (defined as XML) for the testing to use as predictable data in its execution. His test class extends PHPUnit_Extensions_Database_TestCase (instead of the usual PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase) and a test for a basic "getArticles" method in his "IArticleDAO" class. By calling the "createXMLDataSet" method, the test loads in the pre-defined XML records and allows the correct evaluation of the assertions,