In this new post to his blog Gaurish Patil shows users of the Yii framework how they can update their configuration settings to hide the "index.php" in their requests and make cleaner URLs.
Finally we figure out the basics of Yii. While working on basic of Yii, I want to rewrite the url to SEO friendly. So I started to search on google, forum got useful information here To hide the index.php from url I did changes in config/main.php [...] and I created new .htaccess file in the same directory as my index.php file.
The changes are pretty simple - it's mostly a change to the "urlManager" setting to provide some rules for mapping controller and actions to the right place. The .htaccess file uses Apache's mod_rewrite functionality to grab the requested URL and remap it back to lay on top of the "index.php" front controller for the request.