
PHPMaster.com: REST - Can You do More than Spell It? Part 3

On PHPMaster.com they've posted the third part of their series looking at development around RESTful APIs. In this latest article they take an outsider's perspective and look at using services rather than creating one from scratch. (Part 1, Part 2)

Imagine it's a warm, sunny, summer day. You're just walking along, taking a leisurely noonday stroll, when all of a sudden you come face to face with a RESTful API. What do you do? How do you interface with it? Or, as those of us in the know would say, "how do you consume RESTful services?" That, my friends, is the subject of this article.

They mention using other tools (like components/features of common frameworks) to interface with the services, but end up using the curl extension to make a POST request to a service to add a few events to a "/summerschedule" resource.

