On the ServerGrove blog today Pablo Godel has posted his wrapup of this year's phpDay/JsDay conferences that happened last week in Verona, Italy.
Last week I returned from Verona, Italy where I spent a full week with some of the best Javascript and PHP developers out there. I've been wanting to go to phpDay for a number of years so when I was invited to present a talk about Symfony2 and MongoDB, there were no more excuses, I had to be there!
Pablo talks about the sessions he attended (at both JsDay and phpDay) including Zeev Suraski's (Zend) keynote, a talk from Lorenzo Alberton about "Taming the Twitter Firehose" and his own presentation about MongoDB and Symfony2. He also mentions the second day's keynote from Rasmus Lerdorf and a workshop about building PHP extensions.