The PHP project has released another update to both the 5.3.x and 5.4 revisions of the language correcting the bug that was found dealing with a flaw in CGI-based setups.
The PHP development team would like to announce the immediate availability of PHP 5.4.3 and PHP 5.3.13. All users are encouraged to upgrade to PHP 5.4.3 or PHP 5.3.13 The releases complete a fix for a vulnerability in CGI-based setups (CVE-2012-2311). Note: mod_php and php-fpm are not vulnerable to this attack. PHP 5.4.3 fixes a buffer overflow vulnerability in the apache_request_headers() (CVE-2012-2329). The PHP 5.3 series is not vulnerable to this issue.
Users are encouraged to upgrade their applications, especially those using CGI-based setups. You can find the latest source on the downloads page and the Windows binaries on