The Dev/Hell podcast (as hosted by two PHP community members, Chris Hartjes and Ed Finkler) has posted their latest episode - Episode 13: #tek12 or Something. I Don't Know. (This episode was recorded live at this year's php|tek conference.)
This episode was recorded at the tek12 uncon in front of a live studio audience. We talk about pair programming, what we'd recommend to folks who want to start programming, the PHP-FIG & PSRs, and our favorite events from tek12. Also Chris punched Ed a couple times. It hurt. Video hosting for this episode is provided by WonderNetwork, who generate some really cool ping data. This was lots of fun, and we want to thank all the folks who came out and participated.
You can listen to this latest episode in a few different ways - using the in-page audio player, downloading the mp3, subscribing to their feed or grabbing the video of the live recording.