- Philip Norton's Blog: PHPNW11 Blind Bird Tickets Closing Soon
- 9Lessons: Import GMail Contacts Google OAuth Connect with PHP
- Adminxweb.com: PHP Frameworks Benchmarked: Here Are the Results
- Josh Adell's Blog: Neo4j for PHP
- Warren Tang's Blog: PHP Unit Testing & Mock Objects with SimpleTest plugin for Eclipse
- DZone.com: Automated code reviews for PHP
- Richard Miller's Blog: Symfony2: Moving Away From the Base Controller
- DevShed: Implementing the ArrayAccess Interface - PHP
- PHPClasses.org Blog: New PHP Version Fork
- Greg Wilson's Blog: If You''e Going to Teach an Undergrad Intro to Software Engineering...
- Nicolas Grekas (on Github): Improved handling of HTTP requests in PHP
- Freek Lijten's Blog: Currently on PHP's internals...
- Henry Hayes' Blog: Firebug Console.Log for PHP using Zend Framework
- Jason Stiles' Blog: How To Protect Your Site From XSS With PHP
- Sameer Borate's Blog: Taking screenshots of websites in PHP
Site News: Blast from the Past - One Year Ago in PHP
Here's what was popular in the PHP community one year ago today:
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