- Techie Talks Blog: Building Secured Web Applications Using PHP - The Basics
- DevShed: Integrate Facebook Comments Code with Wordpress or PHP
- PHPBuilder.com: Getting Started with Jenkins for PHP Developers
- Symfony Blog: Symfony2: Getting Easier - Interactive Generators
- Test.ical.ly Blog: PHP 5.4 with traits, Doctrine 2.2 and then Symfony3?
- PHP and Me Blog: Use Phing to Update your SVN-Version-Controlled Website Automatically, Through FTP
- Knp Labs: Deploy Your Symfony Application Painlessly with Capifony
- Community News: What PHP Needs (A Twitter Thread)
- Kevin Schroeder's Blog: Deployment beta for Zend Server 5.5 - Getting Started
- Sameer Borate's Blog: Generating a color palette from a image in php
- Sebastian Bergmann's Blog: Towards Better Code Coverage Metrics in the PHP World
- Symfony Blog: Getting help on symfony1 or Symfony2
- DZone.com: File Path Injection in PHP <= 5.3.6 File Update (CVE 2011-2202)
- Community News: ZendCon 2011 Registration Opens
- Rob Allen's Blog: Zend_Config_Ini and a string
Site News: Blast from the Past - One Year Ago in PHP
Here's what was popular in the PHP community one year ago today:
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