
Alvaro Videla: PHP Sessions in Erlang Mnesia

In a new post to his site Alvaro Videla shows you how to use a PHP-to-Erlang bridge to store your sessions in Mnesia. Mnesia is a distributed, soft real-time database management system written in the Erlang programming language.

I decided one of the simplest things to do would be to create a session storage for PHP in Mnesia. But that, in doing so, I would also create an extremely simple key value store wrapper around Mnesia which would track access times.

The instructions help you get the needed software set up including mypeb, kvstore and lib360. He lists all the steps needed to get the platform up and running, complete with exact commands to execute. He does point out a few things that are missing from the setup including making kvstore easier to work with and some PHP session garbage collection.

Link: http://unix0.wordpress.com/2013/06/22/php-sessions-in-erlang-mnesia

