
PHPMaster.com: Build a CRUD App with Yii in Minutes

On PHPMaster.com there's a new tutorial posted showing you how to create a CRUD app with the Yii framework "in minutes." You might want to have a little familiarity with Yii before you start, but it's not absolutely required.

Yii is a high performance framework that's fast, secure, and well-suited for Web 2.0 applications. It favors convention over configuration, which means that if you follow its guidelines you'll end up writing much less code than you would otherwise (and less code implies fewer bugs). Furthermore, it offers many convenient features out of the box, such as scaffolding, data access objects, theming, access control, caching, and more. In this article I'll cover the basics using Yii to create a CRUD system.

They walk you through a basic installation and jump right in to working with controllers and routing. The rest of the tutorial is broken up into a few different steps:

  • Step 1: Create the database (MySQL in this case)
  • Step 2: Make a model to correspond to the "posts" table
  • Step 3: Click on the CRUD generator for the model

This generates all needed views and functionality to be able to create new records, update current ones, delete records and get the current data.

Link: http://phpmaster.com/build-a-crud-app-with-yii-in-minutes

