On 7PHP.com today they've posted the latest in their series of community interviews, this time with Maarten Balliauw, a technical evangelist with JetBrains, maker of the popular PHP IDE PHPStorm.
In this edition I talk with Maarten Balliauw who is the technical evangelist at Jetbrains (the php ide PHPStorm is one its product you can recall). @maartenballiauw is of those few programmers who is indulged closely with both PHP and .NET worlds - meaning this interview will also have questions on both worlds. I now invite you to learn from his experience and get to know his personality.
They talk some about Maarten's background in PHP, some of the "good" and "bad" he sees in the language and some of the tools he uses daily to get his development done. There's also some suggestions of resources, tools and frameworks he finds useful. There's also a big chunk of the interview dedicated to his current work with JetBrains and some of his previous work with Microsoft and related technologies.
Link: http://7php.com/php-interview-maarten-balliauw