
Community News: Ski PHP 2014 Schedule Announced

The Ski PHP conference (happening January 17th and 18th in Salt Lake City, Utah) has posted their schedule for this year's event. Sessions at the two-day conference include:

  • Migrating to Dependency Injection (Josh Adell)
  • Silex: From Micro to full-stack (Dustin Whittle)
  • Backbone.js and Yii (Lauren O'Mera)
  • GitHub: More than Just Code (Elizabeth Naramore)
  • Phing all the things (Omni Adams)
  • Xhprof, a low cost PHP profiler (Mahesh Gattani)
  • Virtualization for Developers (John Coggeshall)

There's lots more on the schedule than just this small sampling, so be sure to go check it out. You can also pick up your tickets for this year's event at the Early Bird price of $129 USD for both days.

Link: https://www.skiphp.com/attend/schedule

