On the SitePoint PHP blog there's a post by Lukas White (part one of a series) showing you how to make a subscription-based website with Laravel and Recurely. Recurly is a subscription billing service that takes case of the recurring billing process.
In this two-part series I'll show you step-by-step how to create a paid subscription-based membership website using Laravel, a PHP5-based framework, and the Recurly payment processing service. First we'll start by creating a simple site with basic registration, authentication, and user roles and permissions. Then we'll add payment processing and tie it into the registration process, allowing people to purchase different membership tiers.
He walks you through the full process (well, the first part of it at least) to getting a new Laravel project up and going and a few other libraries you'll need to connect to the Recurly service. He creates a simple user table and roles/permissions functionality for the Authority connections. He also shows how to make the basic template, login mechanism and user registration system.
Link: http://www.sitepoint.com/creating-subscription-based-website-laravel-recurly-1/